Contact Trillium Health Centre Mississauga
For your convenience to contact Trillium Health Centre Mississauga We have provided all possible information of Trillium Health Centre Mississauga. You can contact Trillium Health Centre Mississauga on the given phone number +1-905-848-7100/ 905-848-7575/ Fax: 905-804-7927. To know the address location of Trillium Health Centre Mississauga it is also presented here 100 Queens way Avenue West, Mississauga, Ontario L5B 1B8, Canada. Contact them by sending email to Trillium Health Centre Mississauga you will find an email address here To know more about Trillium Health Centre Mississauga, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Trillium Health Centre Mississauga, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Trillium Health Centre Mississauga is Associated With and Known as:
The Trillium Health Centre is a Publicly Funded Universal Health Insurance System. It serves as a General Hospital which was unfolded in April, 1998 by the combination of “Mississauga Hospital” and “Queens way General Hospital”. The hospital is situated at 100 Queens-way Avenue West, Mississauga, Ontario in Canada and consists of 751 beds. The various services provided at Trillium Health Centre are Surgery, Intensive Care, Cardiac Centre, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Mental Health, Diagnostic Imaging, Interventional Radiology, Diabetes Management Centre, 24 Hours/Day emergency services and more.
About Trillium Health Centre Mississauga
Trillium Health Centre Mississauga is the famous hospital which gives the incredible services and quality rich services for the patients. They gives three important sites which includes Credit Valley Hospital, Queensway Health Care center, Mississauga Hospital which offers a full care for the patients and organize different programes. They gives the best quality and care at a very cheap rates. They gives the best care and facilities for the users in a Eco Friendly environment. They also serves the best plans and decisions for the betterment of the patents and build a trust worthy relationship with the patients. They make a string bond or relationship between the patients and doctors. They use new and advanced technologies for the benefit of the patients and gives the best treatments for them.
Trillium Health Centre Mississauga is the leading health institute which offers treatment for various disease like
Neurosurgery, Vascular Services, Cardiac Surgery, Domestic Violence as well as Sexual Assault and much more.
Services Of Trillium Health Centre Mississauga
Trillium Health Centre Mississauga offers a number of services to facilitates the patients and helps them in every bit of seconds and these services are mentioned below:
- They Offers 24-hour Emergency Department stores
- Provides the maternal-child care centers
- Provides the facility of cancer services
- Gives the general medicine
- They facilitates with various cardiac health and rehabilitation departmentsProvides the surgery, neurosciences, children's health, stroke and vascular services, and critical care
- They also offers the services regarding family medicine, clinical genetics,sexual assault and domestic violence services, outpatient services, fracture clinic, spine centre
Other Urgent Care Centre of Trillium Health Centre Mississauga
Trillium Health Centre Mississauga launches different emergency services which includes:
- Sore throat, earache, cough, fever
- Limb injuries includes possible fractures
- Cuts,Burns,Insect bites,and allergies
- Skin rashes, infections
- Eye complaints or injuries
Main Head Office Contact address Of Trillium Health Centre Mississauga
Trillium Health Mississauga Hospital
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