Contact DU Internet
For your convenience to contact DU Internet We have provided all possible information of DU Internet. You can contact DU Internet on the given phone number +971 55 5678 155. To know the address location of DU Internet it is also presented here Al Salam Tower, Dubai Media City Dubai, 502666 United Arab Emirates. Contact them by sending email to DU Internet you will find an email address here To know more about DU Internet, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against DU Internet, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
DU Internet is Associated With and Known as:
DU Internet is an online store that provides various types of electronic goods to the customers in United Arab Emirates. The DU Internet organization was established in February 2006 in United Arab. The DU Internet offers various products such as Mobiles Phones, Broadband, Data Plans and various other goods at affordable and cheap rates. The DU Internet has 1.2 billion assets and earns about Three billion revenue every year. The DU Internet store is considered one of the main online electronic store in United Arab. The DU Internet company is performing it's operations across the globe. There are millions of electronic products available on the DU store. The DU Internet store offers wide range of mobiles to the customers at affordable prices.
DU Internet Services and Products
The DU Internet offers quality products to the customers. The customers can directly place order from any part of the world. The customers can pay the amount of purchase online or can pay at the time of delivery of the product. The DU Internet store provides one year warranty for each and every electronic product. The mission of the company is to deliver quality products to customers. The company has almost 24 million users world wide.
The customers can contact the company directly on the phone by dialing
155 800 155 or can also contact through Fax
+971 4 391 8867
Availability of DU Internet on Social Media Websites
Customers can follow the DU Internet store on social media platforms too. The DU Internet authorities regularly updates the official accounts on these websites. Here, we provide the direct links of the official accounts of DU Internet store on Social Media Websites.
Direct Link of Facebook Account of DU Internet Store!/du/info?tab=page_info
Direct Link of Twitter Account of DU Internet Store/b>
Direct Link of LinkedIn Account of DU Internet Store